Michael A. Bogdan, MD, FACS
Roger W. Cason, MD
2301 Plastic Surgery
2301 Westgate Plaza
Grapevine, TX 76051
Phone: (817) 442-1236
Fax: (817) 531-5851
Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Silicone Implants Before & After Case 79
Surgeon: Michael A. Bogdan MD

Before & After
Case Details
This 22 year old nursing student from the Wichita Falls region of Texas came to my Dallas area medical practice interested in restoring the breast volume that she had lost after having a child. She also desired simultaneous nasal refinement, and knew of my specialization in rhinoplasty surgery. After discussing her goals and considering the possibility of having another child, we selected an implant that would restore the natural shape of her breasts, but not be so large as to be detrimental with expected future fluctuations in breast size.
The patient has a very thin physique, as well as a pectus carnitarium variation to her chest. This chest wall variation makes her breasts appear smaller, because the central sternum is “pushed back”. Because of this, I felt she would achieve the most natural appearing result by using silicone gel implants placed below the pectoral muscles, by using the inframmary fold approach. During surgery, 325cc Mentor, smooth round moderate plus profile cohesive gel implants were placed, giving a very natural appearance to her breasts. Excellent curvature of the lower pole of the breasts was achieved, correcting the previous flat appearance. Her nasal refinement surgery also proceeded smoothly, and she was surprised at how easy her recovery proceeded. She is now back at her busy life, and is thrilled with our results.
Procedures Performed
- Breast Augmentation
- Silicone Implants
Surgeon: Michael A. Bogdan MD
About This Patient
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.